We trekked with Nanda, Yola’s wife, for 3 days. Nanda is the best guide we’ve ever had, compared to Cambodia, Nepal and Laos, where we also trekked with local guides.
She is the only one from her tribal village that went to university, and that’s why we gained so much insights into Myanmar’s culture, birth, death, wedding, schooling, local banking system, etc etc.
She did stop me and my daughter when we were trying to give some snacks to local kids. My daughter came home and wrote an essay about that experience and reflected on what she learnt - she, being an urban kid, is no different from those poor village kids, waiting to be fed. That’s how precious this experience was to us.
这是我们遇到的最棒的,最有知识的导游!她是全村唯一上过大学的人,所以她能深入地回答我们所有的问题。 她甚至在路上阻止了我们和路边的小朋友分享饼干,听了她的解释我们对她肃然起敬。她说如果我们给了路边的小孩吃的,他们就不会去上学,而是每天在路边等人喂。我女儿在期末考试专门写了篇作文,并反思了自己被“喂养”的经历。真心推荐Nanda!