We stay in Srilanka from sep30 to oct5. Gayan is our driver. He offers very good service. He helps us booking the jeep of Udawalave and watching whale boat. We see elephant walking in front of our jeep and whales which is unforgettable experience. Gayan is also very responsible and punctual. We have a wonderful trip in Srilanka. And I think a good driver plays an important role in our trip and makes our trip better.
国庆期间去斯里兰卡玩了6天,在该家定了包车服务。全程都玩得很开心,司机Gayan很负责、守时,让我们的旅程变得更好。之前只做了行程攻略,吃饭这些就直接让司机推荐了,去的地方味道不错而且价钱合理。去国家公园和观鲸鱼要早起 ,本以为司机可以好好休息下,但司机也很早起把我们送上接送车辆。很感谢Gayan对我们这次旅程的帮助