My friends and I were traveling from Hong Kong to Tasmania, and we saw this unzoo in the airport brochure, we went to unzoo on Sunday morning. Those devils were still sleeping and didn't see them. Let my friends down! Pademelons were very few. When the staff fed food for them ,they showed up. No pictures! The so-called bird show, very boring! A commentator kept said, could not attract tourists. Anyway, the tickets were too expensive to come here, we won't recommend this unzoo to anyone! 我和朋友們從香港來塔斯馬尼亞旅行,在機場的旅行小冊子裡看到這個動物園,就在週日早上去到這裡。結果devils還在睡覺,沒看到它們。讓我和朋友們很失望!pademelon很少,有投餵食物才會出現,根本拍不到照片!所謂的鳥兒表演,很無聊!就是有個解說員一直不停的說,完全吸引不了遊客。總之,門票很貴,完全不值得來這裡,所以我們不會推薦給任何人!