Love coco bar in Hurawalhi:)A place 24hours open,with great sea view, where you can really relax and enjoy yourself! lovely chat with guys there and impressive drinks. There is also live show every night. Highly recommended!我和我家的胖子在Hurawalhi度过了四个美好的晚上,除了第一个晚上好困,后面都有去coco bar小酌几杯。首先是酒单种类非常丰富,除了传统的鸡尾酒,还有月度推荐的鸡尾酒,以及隐藏菜单,可以问调酒小哥;其次还提供各类小吃,如果吃腻了大餐厅的自助可以换换口味;再者小哥们都很友好,热情,健谈,又做的一手好酒;最后的最后,地理位置太好啦,海景很美,旁边就是无边泳池,哪怕不喝酒来坐坐都很值得。
We chose Hurawalhi for our honey moon, and it is absolutely the very right answer.
Coco bar is the place for you to enjoy sunshine in the daytime and the show in the evening.
very good drinks, like my sweet 16 and banana shrub, and some others.
Very nice people here, so kind, always smile makes your holiday happy, friends here like Suronga, Pradeep, Dilan, Harry, Wily, Lala. They are great!
coco bar24小时营业,白天可以在这晒太阳,晚上有乐队演出。有鸡尾酒、各种酒,也有果汁、奶昔什么的,还有汉堡包。。反正啥都有,非常不错。
服务很好,都是面带笑容,喜欢和你聊天,我们这几天认识的,比如Suronga, Pradeep, Dilan, Harry, Wily, Lala,都非常好。