今天我们上了我们的第一节冲浪课,这太棒了。这最好且有趣的经历是我这次在印度尼西亚的旅行中难以忘记的。学习冲浪一直是我的一个梦想,今天终于实现了!谢谢你Abdull还有你的那些男孩们,他们真的超级酷、有趣而且乐于助人,他们是冲浪板上的最完美的老师:)每一个来龙目岛的人都应该去那里,强烈推荐! 谢谢! Julia
Great thanks to Nemo! Water is not deep-the water area where you start surfing is just about 1.2m. Nemo is really responsible. We didn’t have lunch that day, so after 1.5 hours we quitted cause we were really out of energy. Nemo kept encouraging us-he really wanted to teach us more. I am not a good swimmer, so a little bit afried of falling into the water, but I did it three times . I have learned surfing once, but never met with this wild wave, and I made it,so thank you Nemo, you did a great job! Wish Kim and I will come back soon.
Ps:there is a beach near the surfing spot, Nemo even led us to that beach! And there is a small warung at beach.