First of all. I would thank Pekka very much for letting me and my friend have such an amazing Aurora hunting night.
we check the wether/PK hour by hour to look forward the North light and decide to book the trip from "visit inari". finally we know this is a smart and lucky decision to follow Pekka to hunt Aurora.
He guided us to several places all could see very clear and beautiful Aurora. Pekka is full of experience and kind. He know where could find the Aurora best and help us to adjust the camera and always provide the service for us. It is a really amazing and warm and lucky trip like this.
And also the price is very worthy for us to take the trip in a car with 8 friends cuz in saariselka we spent more but can see only a bit with a big bus with 20 people.
Pekka and Visit Inari are my best choice to have in Inari and hope all of you can see the Aurora and have fun here.
This is unforgettable.
First of all. I would thank Pekka very much for letting me and my friend have such an amazing Aurora hunting night.
we check the wether/PK hour by hour to look forward the North light and decide to book the trip from "visit inari". finally we know this is a smart and lucky decision to follow Pekka to hunt Aurora.
He guided us to several places all could see very clear and beautiful Aurora. Pekka is full of experience and kind. He know where could find the Aurora best and help us to adjust the camera and always provide the service for us. It is a really amazing and warm and lucky trip like this.
And also the price is very worthy for us to take the trip in a car with 8 friends cuz in saariselka we spent more but can see only a bit with a big bus with 20 people.
Pekka and Visit Inari are my best choice to have in Inari and hope all of you can see the Aurora and have fun here.
The husky safari was the worst thing in the whole trip. The guide was impatient. When thedogs stopped at the ride and we didn't know how to make those dogs to start again the guide actually lashed out at us. We didn't pay the money to be treated in this way. Don't reccomend it at all.这个哈士奇之旅是我们整个行程里面最糟心的。所谓的向导从头到尾就摆着一副臭脸。讲解的时候也是非常的不耐烦,一直说让你慢一点保持十米距离,让你不要超车,其他的一切都没了。到了真正开始跑的时候,我的天,就一条很窄的单行道,根本就没有地方超车好不好,所谓的体验就是让你在一条道里面绕圈圈,一圈又一圈,你当是公园的旋转木马呢。而且走一会儿以后,在一处平路上哦,哈士奇就自己在地上不跑了,几只狗自己玩在了一起,任凭我们待在原地。所谓的向导根本就没管,等了很久很久,他总算是想到我们了,回来查看也是臭脸一张,还说你们懂英语吗?我天,鬼知道你们家的狗还要推一下再走的,需要推你就早说啊,讲解的时候不说清楚,跑到最后狗都不想跑了,一直停一会儿休息一会儿,这体验真的可以。在我们之前就有一个团刚走,你想想狗狗们跑了那么久没休息又来,能吃得消吗?真替他们家的狗可怜。如果你们真心的喜欢狗狗,请千万远离他们家,你知道向导怎么称呼狗狗吗?work parnter!!当你们家的狗可真命苦。态度差,体验也差,请千万远离这家店!!