在马蜂窝上订到了大洋路的一日行,itrip的 Joe非常热心,对我的问题也有一个非常满意的答复。大洋路给我的感觉是wild , 海,石头和植被都是。一路上看到了野生的考拉,野鸭和感觉像被当作鸡一样养的鹦鹉。12门徒岩很壮观,世界真奇妙。
It will be 100% perfect, if the sun shines. Hang out with my husband during the national holiday back in China. A trip settled by go west tours and executed by Leonie, a humorous and really nice guide(thoughtful and she has a good taste for music, 😃😃😃, a flag of our own strongly recommended)