I participated in the Phnom Tamao Wildlife Tour with Wildlife Alliance one week ago and the marvelous memory reckons until now. The wildlife rescue center is actually part of the collaberative project between the Cambodian government and the US-based wildlife NGO supposed to tackle problems such as deforestration and poaching in Cambodia. Distinguished from a plain visit to this huge government-run zoological park, this tour can take you further to where the wild animals are rescued and cared. The Wildlife Alliance staff not only drove you around, introduced the variety of the species in this park, but also provided the stories concerning why and how the animials raised in the rescue center suffer, survive but ultimately revive through pet-trading, poaching, snares, and loss of habitation...The staff guiding our tour are knowledgable and amiable. More importantly, their obvious love and care for the species here impressed me a lot. It is an amazing live course on wildlife rescue beyond expectation. And I sincerely encourage the tourists in Pehom Penh to spare a day with the rescue center and support their efforts there.因为博物大V“花落成蚀”的推荐参加了这个一日游。这个野生动物公园和组织这个一日游的国际NGO Wildlife Alliance之间存在着一种微妙的合作关系。通过工作人员不大直白的提示,感觉本质上就是NGO租了这个公立公园的一部分笼舍来救助从柬埔寨各地因为宠物贸易、盗猎、兽夹误捕等无法自主生活的野生动物。跟花总讲的类似,这里的确因为经费不足,笼舍和丰容都有很多可以提升的空间。到访的被救助动物无一例外地有乞食行为(喂食部分动物也是这个一日游推介的亮点所在)。参观该动物园的当地游客的投喂也稀松平常。忍不住问了工作人员这样是否合适,得到的回复是NGO没有进驻前,这个公立公园的动物的主要食物来源就是游客来喂。。。加上我们能够看到和喂食的动物因为不同原因几乎都不会再有野放的可能,所以还是让它们开心在当下吧。这种理念初看很第三世界,但细想想却有颇有道理,反观中国的动物园和野保单位,似乎仍是大有借鉴和学习的地方。权当是他山之石吧,特别棒的一次自然教育。