在拉巴斯最难忘的就是去骑行死亡公路,因为对死亡公路的未知,最初有点紧张和忐忑不安,所以我们选择了最好的户外公司Gravity, Gravity的山地车都是非常棒,给我十足的安全感。我们的向导是技术很棒又很帅气的Nate还有可爱的Juan Jose,Chritian。整个行程保证我们安全,负责给我们拍照,还会讲解这条路的以前发生的事情。非常感谢他们很专业给我带来了完美的体验.
The most memorable thing in la Paz was riding the death road. We chose the best outdoor company “Gravity” , the mountain bikes are great and give me a sense of security. Very good guide and staff(Nate,Juan Jose,Chritian )Our guide Nate is great and handsome. They're all very professional. they kept us safe, took pictures for us, and to explained the story of the road. Thank you very much for giving me the perfect experience.
From Cici (Cao Xi,China)