谢谢~在沙漠中的美妙回忆~向导非常优秀,唱歌很好,做饭超级好吃,一起围着篝火聊天,很开心,不虚此行,强烈推荐。这里只能上传中文,希望英文也可以。We spent one day and one night camel trip in the desert. The view is very beautiful. Dhanu is a wonderful guide. He has a warm heart, nice, polite, and very helpful. He is a good cook, perfect guide, a great singer. We made a bonfire and sang together--what a great time! And he taught me, *we can collect money, but money cannot collect us.No matter how much money u make, only good people with good heart can go to paradise~good brother,Dhanu Parvat and Sawi ~Thanks a lot~