提前半年预定的酒店,预定时候要求提供二楼以上的住宿。当我们入住酒店时候提供的是缺是一楼房间,入住后我们与前台交涉,他们答复我们没有空房,不知道在现在这个季节会全满吗?当时候查了booking网站,还有空房,不知道如何解释。当时候住的这层楼面就我们和一对中国小夫妻,走廊还放着很大的现在,影响了住客的出入。we have made the reservation half year ahead of the schedule, and made the request that we hope our room could above the first floor. But we got the room at ground floor when we arrived, then we trying to make the change at the lobby, the response is no spare room, we all know the hotel could not full in this season . At the night we found only two Chinese couples at this floor,also there is some sundries on the corridor.