Our flight was Oct.6th, 2019. My pilot called Muhammet Msclcukoglu, he is a professional pilot, I enjoy the flight so much.
我们是2019年10月6号在费特希耶飞的滑翔伞,通过一个跟店家有合作的中国小姐姐帮忙预定的H家,我的教练是Muhammet Msclcukoglu,他很nice,了解后发现原来他飞了有11年了,整体飞行很棒,推荐大家去尝试!
All pilots are so nice and handsome.
Professional team.
Highly recommended.
My Pilot was Tore and he took me to fly around 2000 m. from the see level. Photos was great too.
Everyone can make it its quite safe and easy. Driving up takes about 30 minutes, beginning is just easy after runing 3 or 4 step you ll be in the air like a bird. You will be in the air around 30 minutes too. Ifcyou like to do some aerobatics you can also tell your pilot to do it. If i visit again i will definitely do it again. One in a lifetime experience. Worth to do it. 月是它每年的旅游旺季,这里的节奏很慢,更贴切来说应该是慵懒,不匆忙的旅人们常常能在这耗上一整个假期,飞在天上,泡在海里,徒步在丛林中。滑翔伞、冲