和 Lasha 的一整天非常开心,他是一位友善的、热心肠的、经验丰富的导游,为我们规划好了时间和路线,还分享了很多格鲁吉亚的历史故事以及他美妙的歌声,我和我的朋友不会忘记这次难忘的旅程。
It was a wonderful day with Lasha. He is a friendly, warm-hearted and experienced guide who planned the time and route for us. He shared many stories about Georgian history and his wonderful singing.My friends and I will never forget this unforgettable journey.
Amazing places, a nice driver and my favorite wine 🍷 😊I had a wonderful time with my friends. 山上的风景很壮观 价格也比较公道 司机人很好 教堂和修道院就是传统格鲁吉亚风格 去教堂内部需要穿长裤 不过当地都有提供黑色的布可以包裹腿 酒厂的酒很好喝~ (就是当地食物不怎么好吃)