点评:It's a nice location with lots of trams and stores that sell everything you need. There are supermarkets, clothing stores, banks, bookstores, and medical professionals of diverse areas of expertise. There are restaurants, cafés, and bakeries within reach.
But man, if you stand still for one or two minutes (try it!), you will either be:
(1) asked for money
(2) hassled by someone who desperately needs to seek one of the medical professionals mentioned above
(3) bumped into because people don't know how to walk and look at the same time in Paradeplatz
(4) asked to buy a white shirt for someone who needs it for a job interview. Sad to say this has happened a couple of times to me, by the same person, despite someone falling for it the last time. Bro, how many white interview shirts do you need? Or
(5) challenged to a fight by someone who really needs to stop drinking before 4 PM. This often includes senseless babbling, chest pounding, and aggression.
It doesn't give me a good feeling to walk through Paradeplatz. I think it used to be better and less stressful, but those times are long gone.
(2) 受到急需寻求上述医疗专业人员之一的人的困扰
(3) 在阅兵广场因不知道如何边走边看而被撞到
(4) 要求为面试时需要的人购买一件白衬衫。遗憾的是,这种事在我身上发生过几次,都是同一个人做的,尽管上次有人上当了。兄弟,你需要多少件白色面试衬衫?或者
(5) 与确实需要在下午 4 点之前戒酒的人挑战战斗。这通常包括毫无意义的胡言乱语、拍胸脯和攻击性。