Well designed & varied, the Hilbert is an excellent showcase of 1900-present Californian art
Hilbert Museum of California Art的点评
点评:As a painter myself, I love visiting local art museums whenever I travel, and this one is absolutely worth your time - it takes about 2-2.5 hours for both buildings.
This is my second visit to the Hilbert - a lovely museum in Orange County featuring mostly Californian art/artists 1900s to present. I went during the rotating exhibits of Timothy Clark's watercolors and Heroines of California Art. Strongly recommend the Clark church interiors, the figurative oils of Henrietta Berk (my personal favorite), and the Donna Schuster modern impressionists. The central hall of the permanent collection building also features some excellent cityscapes of San Francisco (and LA of course).
We happened upon the co-founder and namesake donor, Mark Hilbert, on the grounds, who told us more about the museum history and even took a look at my own paintings. All in all, an excellent time!
翻译:作为一名画家,我喜欢在旅行时参观当地的艺术博物馆,而这个博物馆绝对值得您花时间参观 - 参观两座建筑大约需要 2-2.5 小时。
这是我第二次参观希尔伯特 - 奥兰治县的一座美丽的博物馆,主要展出 1900 年代至今的加州艺术/艺术家作品。我参观的时候正好是蒂莫西·克拉克的水彩画和加州艺术女英雄的轮流展览。强烈推荐克拉克教堂内部、亨丽埃塔·伯克的具象油画(我个人最喜欢的)和唐娜·舒斯特的现代印象派。永久收藏馆的中央大厅还展示了旧金山(当然还有洛杉矶)的一些绝佳城市景观。