点评:Deer and Lang Caves was the first walk we went on upon arrival at Mulu National Park. We started at 2.30 pm and ended at about 6pm. There is lots of walking but it almost entirely on boardwalks and there were several rest stops. So I would say it is tiring but not difficult. In our group we had 7 to 9 year old boys who managed to complete it with lots of encouragement. The walk is guided and we were able to see all sorts of interesting fauna like stick insects, giant millipedes on the way to the caves. After seeing the Deer cave, visitors are brought to the viewing deck to watch the millions of bats exiting the cave at sunset. I have never seen anything like that anywhere else in the world and it was truly spectacular. The weather was sunny when we started but when we emerged from the caves, it was pouring. This is not unusual, so please pack a poncho with you. Fortunately, the rain stopped and we were able to see the bat exodus. The Deer and Lang caves were not the most beautiful in Mulu but it was still pretty awesome exploring the huge caves as well as seeing, hearing and smelling the millions of bats in the caves. Definitely a must do when visiting Mulu.
翻译:到达姆鲁国家公园后,我们首先要徒步前往鹿洞和狼洞。我们从下午 2:30 出发,大约 6:00 结束。虽然有很多路要走,但几乎都是在木板路上,中间有几个休息站。所以我觉得虽然很累,但并不难。我们团里有几个 7 到 9 岁的男孩,在大家的鼓励下,他们还是完成了徒步。徒步有导游陪同,我们在前往洞穴的路上看到了各种有趣的动物,比如竹节虫、巨型千足虫。参观完鹿洞后,游客们被带到观景台,观看日落时分数百万只蝙蝠离开洞穴。我从未在世界其他地方看到过这样的景象,真是太壮观了。我们出发时天气晴朗,但当我们从洞穴出来时,却下起了倾盆大雨。这并不罕见,所以请带上雨披。幸运的是,雨停了,我们得以看到蝙蝠大批离开。鹿洞和郎洞并不是姆鲁最美的洞穴,但探索巨大的洞穴以及看到、听到和闻到洞穴中数百万只蝙蝠的气味仍然相当棒。绝对是游览姆鲁时必做的事。