点评:I had a terrific experience doing the one day, 8 hour birding tour of Muscat. I learned things about birds here that people who I've since met and who have been living here for years did not know. My guide, Badar, had everything perfectly arranged. He picked me up and dropped me off from my residence here, the stops were well timed for the species of birds and the position of the sun, a delicious lunch was provided, cold water and juices were available at all times, and we saw lots of birds! Badar is very knowledgeable about the birds of the region, as well as the wildlife. Another very helpful aspect was the communication before the day. What I needed to bring and wear was thoroughly explained.
My one complaint has nothing to do with the tour and so didn't affect my star rating, but as a tourist here without a Sim card that provided a phone number, I was unable to pay through PayPal, which was the only option, so I had to rely on friends to do it for me, and then pay them back. I wish there was an option to pay directly with a credit card.
翻译:我在马斯喀特进行了为期一天、8 小时的观鸟之旅,获得了非常棒的体验。我在这里学到了很多关于鸟类的知识,而我后来遇到的和在这里生活多年的人都不知道这些知识。我的导游 Badar 把一切都安排得非常完美。他从我的住处接送我,停靠的时间恰到好处,适合鸟类的种类和太阳的位置,还提供了美味的午餐,随时都有冷水和果汁供应,我们看到了很多鸟!Badar 非常了解该地区的鸟类以及野生动物。另一个非常有帮助的方面是出发前的沟通。他详细解释了我需要携带和穿着的东西。
我的一个抱怨与这次旅行无关,因此没有影响我的星级评定,但作为一个没有提供电话号码的 Sim 卡的游客,我无法通过 PayPal 付款,这是唯一的选择,所以我不得不依靠朋友帮我付款,然后再还钱。我希望有一个直接用信用卡付款的选项。