For anyone on the fence, I can confidently say this cleanse is worth every moment of dedication!
The Source Herbal Detox Retreat的点评
点评:This is now my second time completing the Herbal Cleanse with The Source and I couldn’t be more impressed with the transformative results. My first cleanse was at the resort in 2022 and this is my second time but using the Detox to Go Program
Each experience has brought incredible changes to my body. After just 14 days, I’ve experienced: Clearer, glowing skin, better energy levels & no more cravings for unhealthy foods, with a new sense of control over my diet.
A noticeable shift in my emotional well-being, as I’ve let go of negativity and embraced more clarity and peace.
In terms of weight, I lost 4kg in 2 weeks and still maintained my muscle. Over 40 bowel movements in the 2 week period, all weight lost was waste from inside my gut! (I DID THE OJ FAST PROTOCOL)
There’s nothing better than receiving a compliment from people saying that you look extremely well and that’s exactly what this detox does, goes beyond just the physical it’s a full-body reset that taps into your mind and spirit as well.
The guidance and support provided by Ivor throughout the process make it feel tailored and intentional, giving you the tools you need to heal from within.
For anyone on the fence, I can confidently say this cleanse is worth every moment of dedication. It’s not just a detox, it’s a journey back to your best self and you can’t put a price on that
翻译:这是我第二次在 The Source 完成草本排毒,我对这种变革性的结果印象深刻。我第一次排毒是在 2022 年的度假村,这是我第二次使用 Detox to Go 计划
每次经历都给我的身体带来了令人难以置信的变化。仅仅 14 天后,我就体验到了:皮肤更清透、更容光焕发,精力更充沛,不再渴望不健康的食物,对饮食有了新的控制感。
在体重方面,我在 2 周内减掉了 4 公斤,而且仍然保持着肌肉。在 2 周的时间里排便超过 40 次,减掉的所有体重都是肠道内的废物! (我做了 OJ FAST 方案)
Ivor 在整个过程中提供的指导和支持让它感觉量身定制且有意为之,为你提供从内部治愈所需的工具。