点评:Bailieborough Foresr Park is an absolute gem. The castle was demolished in the 1970s but the grounds are managed by Coillte and they've done a wonderful job.
The trails run around the beautiful Castle Lake.
On one side there is a side trail up to a ringfort. On the other there's a similar side trail up to the site of the former castle.
There's also a Prace Trail through mature woodlands on Rebel Hill where so many perished in an ambush in the 1798 United Irishmens Rebellion. There a plaque commenorating those deaths on the main trail where it branches off for the Peace Trail.
There's also a beautiful little walled cemetery for Marist Fathers who ministered here when the castle was under their direction.
There's a small car park, free of charge with a nice coffee truck. There are many little pontoons snd piers for canoeing that make for lovely viewing points for pedestrians.
The trails are all easy and mainly flat. The ring fort trail is steep, as is a small part of the trail to the castle site, but nothing overly taxing
Beatiful mixture of wildflowers, mature native trees and evergreens. A stunning, tranquil, beautiful place.
翻译:Bailieborough Foresr Park 绝对是一颗宝石。这座城堡在 1970 年代被拆除,但场地由 Coillte 管理,他们做得非常出色。
在 Rebel Hill 上还有一条穿过成熟林地的 Prace Trail,在 1798 年的 United Irishmens Rebellion 中,许多人在伏击中丧生。在主干道上有一块纪念那些死亡的牌匾,它在和平小径的分支处。