点评:OK the Sanctuario del Picaflor (from now on: Hummingbird Sanctuary) in Azapa Valley (about 20-25 minutes drive from downtown Arica) is OPEN...BUT only along the main (dirt) road. There is no admission charge (FREE) and you can park your car right at the entrance. In the past there were grounds one could walk to look for the three (3) hummingbird species: the Oasis Hummingbird (Rhodopis vesper/common); the Peruvian Sheartail (Thaumastura cora/much less common) and the Giant Hummingbird (Patagona peruviana/rare). You can see the first two right at the roadside...the third we did not see on our visit and best to check eBird for the most recent observation. Anyway, to find the Hummingbird Sanctuary forget about getting to KM 12 or 15 or whatever - there is no sign on the A27 for KM markers...Instead you need a GPS and use these coordinates: -18.531894, -70.166668 - you can find these coordinates if using eBird and click on "Directions" (eBird lists this place as Valle de Azapa--Santuario del Picaflor). You will know you arrive when you find a wooden carved sign on the right side of a dirt road about 1km in from the A27 (again there is no sign on the A27 for this place). It is worth the trip - you will get the two hummers and if you look around the area (follow the dirt road all the way to the end and ask for Sandra - she speaks English)...she will let you look around her property to find: Vermilion Flycatcher and several others. Finally, the family that started the Sanctuario del Picaflor is still at their house - and will let you park in their dirt driveway. They won't ask you for money...and might come over to talk to you as well...quite nice people.
翻译:好的,位于 Azapa Valley(距阿里卡市中心约 20-25 分钟车程)的 Sanctuario del Picaflor(从现在起:蜂鸟保护区)已开放……但仅沿主(土)路开放。无需入场费(免费),您可以将车停在入口处。过去,人们可以步行寻找三 (3) 种蜂鸟:绿洲蜂鸟 (Rhodopis vesper/common);绿洲蜂鸟 (Rhodopis vesper/common);秘鲁剪尾鸟(Thaumastura cora/不太常见)和巨型蜂鸟(Patagona peruviana/罕见)。您可以在路边看到前两个……第三个我们在访问时没有看到,最好检查 eBird 以获取最新的观察结果。无论如何,要找到蜂鸟保护区,请忘记前往 12 公里或 15 公里或其他任何地方 - A27 上没有公里标记的标志...相反,您需要 GPS 并使用这些坐标:-18.531894、-70.166668 - 您可以找到如果使用 eBird,请使用这些坐标并单击“方向”(eBird 将此地点列为 Valle de Azapa--Santuario del Picaflor)。当您在距 A27 公路约 1 公里的土路右侧发现一个木雕标志时,您就知道您已到达(同样,A27 公路上也没有这个地方的标志)。值得一游 - 你会得到两辆悍马车,如果你环顾该地区(沿着土路一直走到尽头,询问桑德拉 - 她会说英语)......她会让你环顾她的财产找到:朱红鹟和其他几个。最后,创建 Sanctuario del Picaflor 的家庭仍然在他们的房子里 - 并且会让你把车停在他们的泥土车道上。他们不会向你要钱……而且可能也会过来和你说话……都是很好的人。