It's a trail, not a great one
Presidential Rail Trail的点评
点评:I thought the trail would be more "presidential" considering the name LOL. By that I mean I thought it would be consistently wider, decent quality of gravel if not paved, and lots of good views. Hoping the state of NH will put some money toward widening the travel and improving surface quality at some point. I was just in Acadia so take this review with a grain of salt, and at a few moments I wondered if I would hear banjos here. We started at the western end of the trail and went around 7 miles. Didn't reach the views of Mt Washington. We found a couple of great views, a sled dog business with a kennel farm, and some bumpy narrow trail. If you go, I'd get on closer to the Mt Washington views, assuming that mountain is visible from the trail itself. And again, hoping some NH tax dollars are allocated to improving the trail in the future.
翻译:考虑到这个名字,我以为这条小径会更“总统风”,哈哈。我的意思是,我认为它会一直更宽,如果没有铺砌,砾石的质量也不错,而且有很多美景。希望新罕布什尔州能投入一些资金来拓宽道路并改善路面质量。我刚刚去过阿卡迪亚,所以对这篇评论持保留态度,有那么一会儿,我还在想我是否会在这里听到班卓琴的声音。我们从小径的西端出发,走了大约 7 英里。没有到达华盛顿山的景色。我们发现了一些很棒的景色、一家雪橇犬生意和一家犬舍农场,以及一些崎岖不平的狭窄小径。如果你去的话,我会走得更近一些,看看华盛顿山的景色,假设从小径上就能看到那座山。再次,希望未来能拨出一些新罕布什尔州的税收来改善这条小径。