点评:Sorry to have to do this but they deleted comments on facebook so they can't delete them here. Drove in a good forty five minute drive to attend the strawberry fest. It was very crowded and understaffed. We didn't want to pay for the $16 ticket that is for all the kid things like the jumpy pillow etc. because it was just me and my husband in our fifties. In the ad it said you could get food and just walk around. But the food was in the area where you have to pay to get a ticket. No one could explain anything to us when we asked and then we just finally walked up to the food area to see the situation and the lines were so long to both order food and wait for your order. We gave up on that and went into the little store which was also jammed. They had a little table of strawberry containers for $8 each and pies fir $18. We had seen enough and we left. I always want to support local but this was a waste of my time on my birthday weekend to boot.
翻译:很抱歉不得不这样做,但他们删除了 Facebook 上的评论,所以他们无法在这里删除它们。开车四十五分钟车程去参加草莓节。那里非常拥挤而且人手不足。我们不想支付 16 美元的门票,因为那里只有我和我五十多岁的丈夫。广告上说你可以买食物然后到处走走。但食物是在你必须付钱买票的区域。当我们询问时,没有人可以向我们解释任何事情,然后我们最终走到食品区看看情况,点餐和等待订单的队伍都很长。我们放弃了,走进了同样挤满人的小商店。他们有一小桌草莓盒,每个 8 美元,馅饼 18 美元。我们看够了,就离开了。我一直想支持当地人,但这在我的生日周末是浪费我的时间。