点评:I admit it – my heart is in Historic Jamestowne. The first time I visited this site was 35 years ago with my parents. I remember walking down to the banks of the James River in the pouring rain and just standing there for the longest time. It hit me like a ton of bricks. This is where it all began. And not to take away from the Indigenous People, but in many ways our country started here at Jamestowne. Years later, I would take my first degree in History, in part, I believe, because of the influence of such incredible sites like Historic Jamestowne. It stayed with me over the years. For anyone who wonders if it is worth the extra time or money to come here after visiting Jamestown Settlement --- Absolutely! It’s a lot like going to visit Gettysburg. You wouldn’t go visit a museum and watch a Civil War reenactment several miles down the road and never go to the site where the battle actually occurred, would you? Same here. You have to go here to experience it. And there is so much to see. Besides the wonderful indoor museum; outside, visitors can see the location where the actual site of James Fort existed, the church, cemetery, an excavated well, the remains of buildings outlined at New Towne, the Glasshouse, the monument erected to the first settlers, along with incredible tours and continued archeological excavations. The recreated Jamestown Settlement, down the road, helps to bring history alive, but Historic Jamestowne helps the visitor to cement the actual history, where it happened. This place is a MUST SEE and well worth the trip. I cannot wait to return.
翻译:我承认——我的心在詹姆斯敦历史区。我第一次参观这个地方是在 35 年前,当时我和父母一起。我记得在倾盆大雨中走到詹姆斯河岸边,在那里站了很久。我受到了巨大的震撼。这就是一切的开始。并不是要贬低土著人民,而是从很多方面来说,我们的国家就是从詹姆斯敦开始的。多年后,我获得了历史学学士学位,部分原因是像詹姆斯敦历史区这样令人难以置信的地方对我的影响。多年来,它一直伴随着我。如果有人想知道在参观詹姆斯敦定居点后是否值得花额外的时间或金钱来这里——绝对值得!这很像去参观葛底斯堡。你不会去参观几英里外的博物馆,观看内战重演,却从不去战场实际发生的地方,对吧?我也一样。你必须来这里体验它。这里有很多值得一看的东西。除了精彩的室内博物馆外,游客还可以看到詹姆斯堡的实际遗址、教堂、墓地、挖掘出来的井、新镇的建筑遗迹、玻璃屋、为第一批定居者建造的纪念碑,以及精彩的游览和持续的考古发掘。路边重建的詹姆斯敦定居点有助于让历史重现生机,而历史悠久的詹姆斯敦则有助于游客巩固历史发生地的真实面貌。这个地方是必看之地,值得一游。我迫不及待地想再来。