点评:Wonderful property. Warm and spotlessly clean. Easy to make your own, very workable kitchen.
Excellent communication. The property is easy to find using info given and it is clear on the ‘maps’ app. The road in from the village takes a few minutes and is single track, our vehicles managed no problem. Welcome basket was very thoughtful, jam was delicious, bread got eaten very quickly! You also kindly left some gluten free treats for the coeliacs in our party. The views from the cottage were amazing and you could watch the day and the weather across the loch and the mountains. We had glorious autumnal weather and an amazing show of the northern lights one evening, very special. We cooked for ourselves each evening and sampled some of the organic beef from the farm. We enjoyed the minced beef, lorne sausage and sausages. It was absolutely delicious and cooked well. We spent the whole week in close proximity to the farm venturing to Balloch, Luss, Balmaha climbing Ben Lomond and Conic Hill. The facilities at the farm to use the loch for water sports, kayaking and paddle boarding etc is all set up with easy access we just never got the chance to use it or have David take us out in his boat. Maybe next time! All in all a fabulous property with caring hosts. Thank you.
沟通顺畅。使用提供的信息很容易找到酒店,在“地图”应用程序上一目了然。从村庄进来的路需要几分钟,而且是单行道,我们的车辆没有问题。迎宾礼篮非常周到,果酱很美味,面包很快就吃完了!您还贴心地为我们团队中的乳糜泻患者留下了一些无麸质零食。小屋的景色令人惊叹,您可以观看湖泊和山脉对面的天气和白天的景色。我们享受了灿烂的秋天天气,一天晚上还欣赏了令人惊叹的北极光表演,非常特别。我们每天晚上都自己做饭,品尝农场的一些有机牛肉。我们喜欢碎牛肉、洛恩香肠和香肠。味道绝对美味,烹饪得很好。我们在农场附近度过了整整一周,冒险前往 Balloch、Luss、Balmaha 攀登 Ben Lomond 和 Conic Hill。农场的设施齐全,可以利用湖边进行水上运动、划皮划艇和桨板冲浪等,交通十分便利,但我们从来没有机会使用它们,或者让大卫带我们乘船出海。也许下次吧!总之,这是一个很棒的住所,房东很贴心。谢谢。