点评:This National Historic Site is one of 3 along the Kona coast. These national parks are also connected by a National Historic Trail, also called the Coastal Trail. The national park staff helped me appreciate the spiritual significance of the place. An important king fulfilled a prophecy by building a huge temple here.
The trail is paved. I watched movies while I was there, each one about 20 minutes. One movie was about the history of this particular site. Another movie was about all three National sites along the Kona coast and the trail that connects them.
The third movie was a special treat for Tuesday mornings. That's when a group of volunteers is on hand to help you spot whales with their binoculars. The movie helps you appreciate whales, while you are watching actual whales along the coast!
这条步道是铺好的。我在那里看了电影,每部大约 20 分钟。一部电影是关于这个特定遗址的历史。另一部电影是关于科纳海岸的所有三个国家遗址以及连接它们的步道。