点评:This is a weird place that, with a few changes, could be incredible. This venue made me feel like a grouchy old woman. I never post reviews, but I was so baffled after attending a show there last night that I feel I owe it to future attendees to provide a heads up about a few things.
Let’s start with the good. Meadow Brook was in a beautiful, wooded setting. The pavilion viewing experience was great and seats pretty comfortable. It was a nice spot to watch a show. The grounds were well maintained and clean.
The ride share pick up and drop off were convenient and didn’t require as long of a walk as other outdoor venues I’ve been to.
Most of the staff were super friendly and nice. The exceptions were the parking lot flaggers and security guards at the base of the lawn, who were oddly aggressive and shouty with guests. It was strange and kind of funny?
Now the negatives:
The venue has very strict bag policy. Basically you could only carry a wallet or anything that would fit in your pockets. As a woman, this makes everything more difficult since many clothing items either don’t have pockets or have shallow, useless pockets. I was terrified I was going to lose my phone the whole show. I know this world requires that we’re extra cautious and have to make sacrifices. I’m all for that. But this was tough. It definitely made the experience more stressful.
So many lines. Lines everywhere. For drinks, for the bathrooms, for merch. There wasn’t enough of anything to accommodate the crowd. The beer lines never shortened, but maybe that was for the best as there were hardly any bathrooms if you drank and had to pee.
The bathroom situation was abysmal. The lines were hundreds of people deep every time I walked by. This isn’t acceptable for a venue this size. I didn’t even bother buying a drink because I was so worried about not having access to a bathroom in time!
Also, the method to get in and out of the pavilion was bizarre and unsafe. Pavilion guests had to wait to go up a short set of stairs, pull a U turn and go back down those stairs, then go up a second, long set of stairs. There was no other option as the lawn was gated off and blocked. This caused a huge bottleneck that would be EXTREMELY unsafe if there was an emergency. There was no reason the blockades to the lawn couldn’t be lifted at the end of the show to allow for better flow of guests out of the pavilion and up.
We had a great night, but it could have been disastrous if things went differently.
让我们从好的方面开始吧。梅多布鲁克 (Meadow Brook) 环境优美,树木繁茂。展馆的观赏体验很棒,座位也很舒服。这是一个观看表演的好地方。场地维护得很好而且干净。