点评:This review is for the Mozart and Friends at the Illsley Ball Nordstrom Recital Hall. We attended the performance on a Sunday. Got the parking garage pass for $20, with the promise we are guaranteed a spot. Turned out the garage was so empty, apparently for a small venue, people must have got here via mass transit.
It was easy to get to the hall from the elevator. Even after the performance was over, we did not wait long to take the elevator back down. For the 7 pm performance, seating started at 6:40 pm. The venue is very intimate, which is perfect for chamber music. We thoroughly enjoyed the program. It was put together very well by Sound Salon.
We really enjoyed the musicians: violinist Eduardo Rio, cellist Nathan Chan, and pianists Joseph Williams, and Byron Schenkman.
The hall is beautiful, adorned with two enormous chandeliers >>> "Crystal Cascade," clearly by the glass genius, Dale Chihuly. One disappointment was we arrived a little bit early, hoping to get something to drink. We found NONE of the shops or cafes in the main corridor was open for business.
They did offer some drinks once you scan your tickets and be admitted inside. Not many chairs for sitting, the restrooms are located inside as well.
翻译:这篇评论是关于莫扎特和朋友们在 Illsley Ball Nordstrom 音乐厅的演出。我们周日去看了演出。花了 20 美元买了停车库通行证,并承诺保证有位置。结果发现车库空荡荡的,显然对于一个小场地来说,人们一定是乘坐公共交通工具来的。
从电梯很容易到达大厅。即使演出结束后,我们也没有等很久就乘电梯下来了。晚上 7 点的演出,座位从晚上 6:40 开始。场地非常私密,非常适合室内乐。我们非常喜欢这个节目。Sound Salon 把它组织得非常好。
我们真的很喜欢音乐家:小提琴家 Eduardo Rio、大提琴家 Nathan Chan、钢琴家 Joseph Williams 和 Byron Schenkman。
大厅很漂亮,装饰着两个巨大的枝形吊灯 >>>“水晶瀑布”,显然是玻璃天才 Dale Chihuly 的作品。有一点令人失望,我们来得有点早,希望能喝点东西。我们发现主走廊里没有一家商店或咖啡馆开门营业。