点评:I am a photographer. So visiting Death Valley without seeing the Racetrack would be unthinkable. I have researched the reason why does it take so long to get there. Knowing the tough road conditions certainly worried me. I have rented a Jeep Compass which may have a “Jeep” in name but isn’t really a high clearance vehicle. I have driven on tough roads such as Monument Valley and Utah’s Valley of Gods state park, but none of them can prepare me for the experience of the road to the Racetrack. It took me nearly 4 hours to travel just 27 miles from Unehebe Crater to the Racetrack Playa. When I finally got there and saw the rocks without any tracks and boy was I disappointed. I guess all the recent rain falls have washed away the tracks. I have to look real carefully in order to see a few very very faint tracks behind the rocks. Definitely NOT worth the drive risking damaging to your vehicle. It would be a daring all day excursion for most people just to see a few rocks in a dry lake bed? No thanks!
翻译:我是一名摄影师。所以,如果不去 Racetrack 参观,就无法想象自己会去死亡谷。我研究过为什么需要这么长时间才能到达那里。知道那里的路况很艰难,我当然很担心。我租了一辆吉普指南者,虽然名字里有“吉普”,但实际上它并不是一辆高底盘的汽车。我曾在纪念碑谷和犹他州众神之谷州立公园等艰难的道路上驾驶过,但这些道路都无法让我做好前往 Racetrack 的准备。我花了将近 4 个小时才从 Unehebe 火山口行驶到 Racetrack Playa,行驶里程只有 27 英里。当我终于到达那里,看到没有任何痕迹的岩石时,我大失所望。我想最近的降雨已经冲走了这些痕迹。我必须非常仔细地观察,才能看到岩石后面的一些非常非常模糊的痕迹。绝对不值得冒着损坏车辆的风险开车。对于大多数人来说,只是为了在干涸的湖床上看几块岩石,这将是一次大胆的一整天旅行?不,谢谢!