点评:This is an excellent museum with generous visiting hours and an easy to navigate floor plan. The first floor has a sweeping view of traditional western art history from ancient Egypt through Greece and Rome, onto the Middle Ages, and then European art right up to the end of the 19th Century. Other cultures are upstairs or in the adjacent modern wing. It is one of those institutions whose mission seems to be to represent as many major cornerstones of art history as possible. The list of big name artists is long here: Titian, Bronzino, Caravaggio, Rubens, Rembrandt, Cezanne, Monet, etc. etc. But there are also choice works by lesser known artists as well. The really nice feature of the museum is that it is not overwhelming. You don't feel exhausted when you leave. Paid parking is located underground and adjacent.
翻译:这是一家很棒的博物馆,开放时间充裕,楼层平面图易于浏览。一楼可以一览传统的西方艺术史,从古埃及到希腊和罗马,再到中世纪,再到欧洲艺术,一直到 19 世纪末。其他文化则在楼上或相邻的现代翼楼。这家博物馆的使命似乎是尽可能多地展示艺术史的主要基石。这里的大牌艺术家名单很长:提香、布龙齐诺、卡拉瓦乔、鲁本斯、伦勃朗、塞尚、莫奈等等。但也有不太知名的艺术家的精选作品。博物馆真正好的地方是它不会让人感到不知所措。离开时你不会感到疲惫。收费停车场位于地下和附近。