点评:This is worth doing if you can get a decent deal, but don't believe the reviews that say it takes 5 hours, it takes a little more than three to do everything. That's why it cost less than the other X-parks, bu it really should be about $50-60 in my opinion. Especially since they make most of their money selling you pictures of youself anyway. Some parts are quite cool, like the sesorium and the perspective villiage. The bird flight thing is OK but is pver in a few seconds. The main issue I had was the waterslide. It looks cool in the brochures, but adult men can't ride it. I got all the way to the front of a 20 minute line and the attendant asked me my height. I said 6'3", and she told me I could not ride it since I was over 5'5" and the natural pool landing is dangerous for me. Three problems there. #1 - Who is so bad at identifyng heights of people that they have to ask someone my height if they are actually ten inches shorter? #2 - How smart is it to be firing three tourists a minute into a pool that's dangerous to normal-sized people? #3 - Why not have a sign warning non-short people to not bother getting in line? I wasted all that time to just get dissapointed, when I could have been doing another attraction a second time. I made this complaint to the info desk and was greeted with some looks that said "be gone, complaining American." Despite that very stupid part, I can't be too mad at the place, as it has some real charm and whimsy. Don't skip XPlor or XCaret to do this one, but if you have time to add it to your agenda, it's OK.
翻译:如果你能得到一个不错的交易,这是值得一试的,但不要相信评论说需要 5 个小时,玩完所有东西只需要 3 个多小时。这就是为什么它比其他 X-parks 便宜的原因,但在我看来它真的应该在 50-60 美元左右。特别是因为他们大部分的收入都是通过卖你自己的照片来赚取的。有些部分相当酷,比如 sesorium 和 perspective village。鸟类飞行还可以,但几秒钟就结束了。我遇到的主要问题是滑水道。它在宣传册上看起来很酷,但成年男性不能玩。我排了 20 分钟的队,服务员问我的身高。我说 6 英尺 3 英寸,她告诉我我不能玩,因为我超过 5 英尺 5 英寸,天然泳池着陆对我来说很危险。有三个问题。#1 - 谁会这么不擅长识别人的身高,以至于他们不得不问我的身高,即使他们实际上矮了 10 英寸? #2 - 每分钟让三名游客进入对正常身材的人来说很危险的水池,这有多聪明?#3 - 为什么不立个标志警告身材不矮的人不要排队?我浪费了那么多时间,却感到失望,而我本可以再去另一个景点玩一次。我向服务台投诉了这件事,结果得到的回应是“走开,抱怨的美国人。”尽管这部分很愚蠢,但我对这个地方并不生气,因为它确实有魅力和奇思妙想。不要为了这个而放弃 XPlor 或 XCaret,但如果你有时间把它添加到你的计划中,那就没问题。