点评:Organised chaos!! Came for a Xmas party, ended up at 3 different entrances. Finally got the right one and then had to queue another 15 minutes. Doormen had no idea what was going on.
Finally got in and thawed out from the freezing weather only to find at our table that someone had opened our bottle of wine and took a couple of bottles of beer.
Then there was another queue for the buffet.. I use that term loosely. Cheap buns with “turkey”, oven chips and nice coleslaw. We paid £55 for this with all inclusive drinks, which was only about 4 drinks you could choose from in total.
This was not good value for money, nobody thought it was good. The only plus was that the dance floor was packed and there was a good atmosphere that way.
Otherwise avoid if you want to be ripped off and still end up starving.
I went a few years ago but it has definitely gone down since then.
翻译:有组织的混乱!!来参加圣诞派对,最终到达了 3 个不同的入口。终于找到了合适的,然后又得排队15分钟。门卫不知道发生了什么事。
然后还有另一个自助餐队列......我宽松地使用这个词。便宜的面包配“火鸡”、烤箱薯片和美味的凉拌卷心菜。我们花了 55 英镑购买了全包饮料,总共只有大约 4 种饮料可供选择。