An amazing literary pilgrimage for teen readers and writers!
Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home Museum的点评
点评:Many thanks from the students and mentors of DAYLO, a youth-led book club visiting from South Carolina! We had an amazing, impactful tour during the Savannah Book Festival weekend. We're so grateful to Jane for such an educational experience for our students, who found a kindred creative spirit in stories of young Mary Flannery. We appreciated getting to learn so much--including the lore of Flannery's backwards-walking chicken, her early book critiques, and her progression as a young cartoonist. We also bought a lot of books and book bags, thanks to the thoughtfully curated gift shop. The Little Free Library under the stairs was a delightful discovery as well. We'll definitely be back with more of our book club members on future trips to Savannah. Thank you, Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home Museum!
翻译:非常感谢来自南卡罗来纳州的青年主导的读书俱乐部 DAYLO 的学生和导师!在萨凡纳图书节周末,我们进行了一次精彩而有影响力的旅行。我们非常感谢 Jane 为我们的学生提供了如此有教育意义的体验,他们在年轻的玛丽·弗兰纳里的故事中找到了志同道合的创作精神。我们很高兴能学到很多东西——包括弗兰纳里倒着走的鸡的传说、她早期的书评以及她作为一名年轻漫画家的成长历程。我们还买了很多书和书包,这要感谢精心策划的礼品店。楼梯下的小型免费图书馆也是一个令人愉快的发现。我们一定会在以后的萨凡纳之旅中带着更多的读书俱乐部成员回来。谢谢你,弗兰纳里奥康纳童年故居博物馆!