点评:I strongly advise against this place, especially if you are considering diving lessons this is a danger to you life.
Here’s why: the owner and diving instructor is emotionally unstable and can not be trusted. He physically attacked me and tried to steal my iPhone, he shouted and pushed me, he forced me to make a payment for an amount that I did not agree to. He cheated me. If I had time I would record this with the local police but I don’t have time to deal with this in a foreign country on a family vacation.
I won’t go into details of the disagreement. We can be both right or wrong on who owes what and who is right or wrong. I certainly feel cheated on the amount he asked for. However, whether I am right or he is on the matter of €70 euro or €120 euro. It is absolutely 100% criminal behaviour to physically attack a person and try to take their property with force. In any country in any culture. Especially with a guest at a 5 star spa resort. It is a disservice to the hotel who’s land this business is using and who calls this company their partner.
Above all, I feel strongly that you don’t want to be under water with this person and rely with your life on him. He is a criminal emotionally unstable person and I caution you to have any business with him.
原因如下:船主兼潜水教练情绪不稳定,不值得信任。他对我进行人身攻击并试图偷走我的 iPhone,他大喊大叫并推我,他强迫我支付我不同意的金额。他骗了我。如果我有时间,我会向当地警方记录这件事,但我没有时间在国外全家度假时处理这件事。
我不会详述分歧的细节。在谁欠什么以及谁是对或错的问题上,我们既可以是对的也可以是错的。我当然觉得他要求的金额被骗了。然而,无论我是对的还是他在 70 欧元或 120 欧元的问题上。对一个人进行人身攻击并试图用武力夺取其财产绝对是 100% 的犯罪行为。在任何文化的任何国家。特别是在 5 星级水疗度假村的客人。这对这家企业正在使用的土地以及称这家公司为合作伙伴的酒店来说是一种伤害。