点评:Pack Creek is AMAZING. A real slice of Alaskan wilderness paradise. The bears there are "habituated" to a consistent human presence and they see us as part of the landscape if we follow the area rules. I'm a Juneau local who has been visiting regularly for 10+ years and there are several things potential visitors need to know.
1) GO! This is something every family member who visits us in Alaska does at least once. Admiralty Island has more brown (grizzly) bears than the entire "lower 48" states combined. There are no black bears on Admiralty (and neighboring Baranof and Chichagof), they are all brown bears.
2) There are two worthwhile seasons over the summer at Pack Creek. May to mid-June when bears are roaming the beach, foraging in the open, and mating, and the "peak" season late July through early September when the salmon are spawning. I really don't recommend late June through mid July if you want to see bears.
In the peak season there are also other opportunities in SE Alaska for bear viewing, however in May and June, Pack Creek likely offers the only reliable opportunity to see brown bears in the region. This is partly due to the area being closed to bear hunting, which is rare in Alaska.
3) Hire a guide. These folks will enrich your trip, keep you safe, and handle the logistics. There are three guiding companies in Juneau who all seem to do a great job for the same price. Two of them will take groups as small as two people. I believe the other requires four people. Weather in SE Alaska can be dangerous and move quickly and I've never seen an unguided group who was genuinely prepared to be stranded or seriously delayed.
4) The rangers are amazing and have incredible local knowledge of the bears. They work really well with guided and unguided groups alike. They strictly enforce the rules of the area. The rangers are only guaranteed to be there during the peak season so unless you are coming during those week, DO NOT COUNT ON THEM BEING THERE. Especially now with the cuts to their budget.
5) Permit prices went up this year. Flights costs go up every year. Prices mentioned in older reviews are outdated.
6) If you go unguided, bring rubber boots, rubber rain gear, food for longer than you intend to be there, a way to purify water if needed, extra warm layers, and an inreach or something very similar (there's no service for cells or radios, and no nearby boat traffic). Keep in touch with your aviation provider (we like Ward Air), during the day about weather or schedule changes via the inreach. Be prepared to leave early if the weather changes. Be prepared to stay overnight.
Also read the rules of the area and print and sign your permit. If the rangers are there, they require a hard copy of the permit when you arrive. If they are not there, it is up to you to follow the rules to create a consistent experience for the bears. Wandering out of the designated areas has an immediate impact on the bear viewing and puts everyone in danger.
7) Bring a big zoom lens. Even when they're "close" they're not that close.
翻译:帕克溪 (Pack Creek) 非常神奇。阿拉斯加荒野天堂的真正一角。那里的熊“习惯”了人类的持续存在,如果我们遵守该地区的规则,它们会将我们视为景观的一部分。我是朱诺当地人,已经定期来这里 10 多年了,有几件事是潜在游客需要知道的。
1) 去吧!这是每个来阿拉斯加拜访我们的家庭成员至少会做一次的事情。阿德默勒尔蒂岛上的棕熊(灰熊)数量比整个“下 48 个州”的总和还要多。阿德默勒尔蒂岛上(以及邻近的巴拉诺夫岛和奇恰戈夫岛)没有黑熊,它们都是棕熊。
2) 帕克溪 (Pack Creek) 夏季有两个值得一游的季节。5 月至 6 月中旬,熊在海滩上漫步、在空旷的地方觅食和交配,7 月下旬至 9 月初是鲑鱼产卵的“高峰”季节。如果您想看熊,我真的不建议您在 6 月下旬至 7 月中旬去。
在旺季,在阿拉斯加东南部还有其他观熊的机会,但在 5 月和 6 月,Pack Creek 可能是该地区唯一可靠的观熊机会。部分原因是该地区禁止猎熊,这在阿拉斯加很少见。
3) 聘请导游。这些人将丰富您的旅行,保证您的安全并处理后勤事务。朱诺有三家导游公司,他们似乎都以相同的价格做得很好。其中两家可以接待两人以下的小型团体。我相信另一家需要四个人。阿拉斯加东南部的天气可能很危险,而且变化很快,我从未见过一个没有导游的团体真正准备好被困或严重延误。
4) 护林员非常棒,对熊的当地情况了如指掌。他们与有导游和没有导游的团体都合作得很好。他们严格执行该地区的规则。护林员只保证在旺季时在那里,所以除非你是在那一周来,否则不要指望他们会在那里。尤其是现在他们的预算削减了。
5) 今年许可证价格上涨了。航班费用每年都在上涨。旧评论中提到的价格已经过时了。
6) 如果你没有导游,请带上橡胶靴、橡胶雨具、足够你在那里停留时间的食物、一种净化水的方法(如果需要的话)、额外的保暖衣物、以及一个内部联络处或类似的东西(那里没有手机或收音机服务,附近也没有船只交通)。白天通过内部联络处与你的航空供应商(我们喜欢沃德航空)保持联系,了解天气或时间表的变化。如果天气变化,请准备好提早离开。准备好过夜。
7) 带上大变焦镜头。即使它们“很近”,也不会那么近。