Cool Science, Nice hands on displays
LIGO Hanford Observatory的点评
点评:We found this really fun place to visit.
The Hands On Stuff is really cool, and fun science to learn about.
MY favorite was the pendulum snakes... in phase, a little out of phase, then completely out of phase, then out of phase again. Really cool demo.
Explanations were good. Science is really interesting. You get to see an actual Nobel Prize.
One suggestion for the people there...ASK the visitors a bit about their background as you try to explain things. We are nerds to start with (PhD and MS in Chemistry respectively), and I think if you had asked us a bit about our science background first, you could have had a much better explanation. The people we asked questions tended to start at what I guess is a High School Science level, which makes sense. Certainly don't START at a college or PhD level science level, but also recognize that probably many of your visitors are Nerds to start with!