点评:During our port call, we decided to check out this brewery in Haines. The brewery is owned and operated by Paul Wheeler and wife who have been making beer since 1999. Using dairy tanks and their own home brew recipes, the business flourished. For 16 years they rented a space at the fairgrounds and then moved to its current location on Main Street in Haines. There is a tasting room that boasts more than 8 beers on tap. To encourage conversation among locals and tourists, patrons are not allowed to use cell phones. Alaska law allows the consumption of 36 ounces of beer per person per day. Specially brewed root beer and tea are also available. Beer to go is available by the liter or half gallon growler. This is a great place to mingle with the locals while enjoying a glass of locally brewed beer.
翻译:在我们停靠港口期间,我们决定去看看海恩斯的这家啤酒厂。这家啤酒厂由保罗·惠勒夫妇拥有和经营,他们从 1999 年开始酿造啤酒。他们使用乳制品罐和自己的自制啤酒配方,生意兴隆。16 年来,他们在集市上租了一个场地,然后搬到了海恩斯主街的现址。这里有一个品酒室,提供 8 种以上的桶装啤酒。为了鼓励当地人和游客之间的交流,顾客不得使用手机。阿拉斯加法律允许每人每天饮用 36 盎司啤酒。这里还提供特制的根汁啤酒和茶。外带啤酒按升或半加仑大桶提供。这是一个与当地人交流的好地方,可以一边喝着当地酿造的啤酒,一边享受一杯当地酿造的啤酒。