点评:A few of the reviews posted are confusing the walk around trail at the top of the Tram. The Mount Robert’s Trail is not for the casual walk. It’s a serious trek almost entirely uphill for over 2 miles gaining approx. 1700 feet. Lots of switchbacks. The Trail entry at the top of Sixth Street was no longer open. The other usable entry around the hill can be blocked by parked cars. It’s just after the bridge. Hiked with trekking poles as did others seen on the Trail. GLAD I did. Made the climb easier to do. Saw two other hikers slip either in the mud or on slick tree roots. Recommend good hiking boots or hiking shoes. Lots of mud along the way and snow near the top.
A great beautiful hike to the top. The Tram ride costs $20 just to go down starting 2024. Great views and foliage.
Round trip Tram now costs $55 per adult. If you’re a hiker, do it!
翻译:发布的几条评论混淆了缆车顶部的步行小径。罗伯特山步道不适合休闲散步。这是一条几乎完全上坡的严肃徒步路线,全程超过 2 英里,上升约 1700 英尺。有很多急转弯。第六街顶部的步道入口不再开放。山周围的其他可用入口可能被停放的汽车挡住。就在桥后面。像步道上看到的其他人一样,我带着登山杖徒步旅行。很高兴我这么做了。让攀登变得更容易。看到另外两个徒步旅行者在泥泞中或光滑的树根上滑倒。建议穿好的登山靴或登山鞋。沿途有很多泥泞,山顶附近有积雪。
一次非常美丽的徒步旅行。从 2024 年开始,乘坐缆车下山的费用为 20 美元。风景优美,树叶茂盛。
往返缆车现在每位成人票价为 55 美元。如果您是徒步旅行者,那就去吧!