点评:their punctuality is an absolute joke - they will always be late when you're at the frontrunner station on time and they always arrive early and leave early when you're on your way to the station. The inconsistency is just absolutely ridiculous. I have used many modes of public transportation across the country and I have to say UTA has been the absolute worst. I have only used inner-city trax and the front runner here so I speak for both of them - I have no idea what the bus situation is like.
You're really left with no other choice other than driving yourself, but we know how long that takes via car when you need to get to the very few important places Utah has to offer.
Overall, I'm absolutely disappointed in the management style and the staff that UTA is comprised of - they need to restructure the entire thing: punctuality, quality and maintenance of the vehicles, schedule synchronicity between all forms of transportation, and training for the staff who are ill aware of the importance of running public transportation like clockwork.
翻译:他们的准时性简直是个笑话——当你准时到达领先车站时,他们总是迟到,而当你在去车站的路上时,他们总是早到早走。这种不一致简直太荒谬了。我在全国使用过许多公共交通工具,我不得不说 UTA 绝对是最糟糕的。我只使用过市中心的 trax 和领先者,所以我代表他们两个说话——我不知道公交车的情况是怎样的。
总的来说,我对 UTA 的管理风格和员工非常失望——他们需要重组整个事情:准时性、车辆的质量和维护、所有交通方式之间的时间安排同步性,以及对那些没有意识到像钟表一样运行公共交通的重要性的员工进行培训。