点评:I was lucky enough to stay in Roma on a Monday - with sale day the next morning. I had heard from friends it was not to be missed and I was told at the tourist info centre to get there about 8.00. I didn't get to visit the interactive / interpretative centre, just the cattle sale. There was quite a big crowd of visitors, and we were split into groups of about 30-40 between 4 or 5 guides. Our group's guide was Lloyd and he was excellent: experienced in the industry, knowledgeable and a no-nonsense good communicator. All good qualities in a guide! He gave us an overall view of how the sales work, where the cattle come from (far and wide, incl the NT), pointed out some of the more popular breeds, answered questions, etc etc, for about 40 mins or so before we ventured over to the yards where cattle were being sold, walking on raised paths between the pens. Plenty of noise and atmosphere and quite a bit of excitement between the auctioneers, their assistants busy scribbling notes as they walked and the bidders. It was a true spectacle. Stayed for a bit under 2 hours.
翻译:我很幸运,在周一的时候住在罗马,第二天早上就是拍卖日。我听朋友说,这是不容错过的,旅游信息中心告诉我,8点左右到那里。我没有参观互动/解说中心,只参观了牲畜拍卖。游客很多,我们被分成 30-40 人的小组,由 4 或 5 名导游陪同。我们小组的导游是 Lloyd,他非常出色:经验丰富,知识渊博,善于沟通。导游具备所有这些优秀品质!他向我们全面介绍了销售工作,牛来自哪里(远近,包括北领地),指出了一些比较受欢迎的品种,回答了问题等等,大约 40 分钟后,我们冒险去了卖牛的院子,走在牛圈之间的高架小路上。现场热闹非凡,气氛热烈,拍卖师、边走边忙着记笔记的助手和竞拍者之间气氛十分激动。真是一场盛会。持续了不到 2 个小时。