点评:Hillside Farms is a local non profit dairy based operation. I've visited Hillside innumerable times over several years and have always been impressed with every aspect of the operation. From a product standpoint, the ice cream, milk and other food products are the best I've had-no exceptions! The staff is always so friendly you feel like your with family having dessert.
In addition to the food, Hillside also offers educational opportunities to explore various aspects of their business including farm and animal education. They're working on expanding these educational offerings and are always available to discuss programs, conservation and animal care.
It is a true gem--nothing better than a night that involves dinner at Farmers Inn and Tavern followed by Ice cream at Hillside. Don't forget to take a few gallons of milk home!
翻译:Hillside Farms 是一家本地非营利性乳制品企业。几年来,我曾无数次造访 Hillside,其经营的方方面面都令我印象深刻。从产品角度来看,冰淇淋、牛奶和其他食品是我吃过的最好的——无一例外!员工总是那么友好,让您感觉就像和家人一起享用甜点一样。
除了食物,Hillside 还提供教育机会,让您探索其业务的各个方面,包括农场和动物教育。他们正在努力扩大这些教育服务,并随时可以讨论计划、保护和动物护理。
这是真正的瑰宝——没有什么比在 Farmers Inn and Tavern 吃晚餐,然后在 Hillside 吃冰淇淋更好的了。别忘了带几加仑牛奶回家!