点评:A cosy museum dedicated to natural history of Brandenburg. Very reach collection of local birds and eggs. Information about local animals is provided both in German and English, you can also find the Latin names of all species. Special information plates for kids. In summer 2022 the museum provides an interactive exhibition on bees and their life, with many activities for smaller children. Besides, the visitors can enjoy the photo exhibition dedicated to bees and wasps. The museum boasts also with a collection of local fish specimen, but this part of exhibition is temporarily closed till 2023.
The price is only 4 euro for adults, which is very cheap for a good museum. The first Monday of the month is the Museum Monday, the price is twice lower.
I highly recommend this museum to everyone, especially to bird-lovers and birders.
翻译:一个致力于勃兰登堡自然历史的舒适博物馆。非常接近当地鸟类和鸡蛋的集合。有关当地动物的信息以德语和英语提供,您还可以找到所有物种的拉丁名称。儿童专用信息板。 2022 年夏季,博物馆将举办关于蜜蜂及其生活的互动展览,并为小孩子提供许多活动。此外,参观者还可以欣赏蜜蜂和黄蜂的图片展。博物馆还收藏了当地的鱼类标本,但这部分展览暂时关闭至2023年。