点评:A real mixed bag of emotions for me. On the one hand the production and logistics were incredible. The performers were amazing and the special effects superb. But, and it's a real big but, the story was supposed to be about the history of "us". To me that is not just a chocolate box of events cherry picked to to ignore half of our history! There was the briefest mention of Windrush as a nod to our multicultural history but the fundamental nature of Britain's immigration history was effectively airbrushed out. No mention of our part in slavery, no mention of our Empire building invasions of countries near and far. This thoroughly disappointed me, unlike the demented whoops coming from some of the people around me the moment royalty was mentioned or a battle was won.
Full marks for production. A lowly one star for story accuracy.
翻译:对我来说,这真是百感交集。一方面,制作和后勤工作令人难以置信。演员们很棒,特效也很棒。但是,这是一个很大的但是,这个故事应该是关于“我们”的历史。对我来说,这不仅仅是一个精心挑选的巧克力盒事件,忽略了我们一半的历史!影片中简要提到了 Windrush,以向我们的多元文化历史致敬,但英国移民历史的根本性质却被有效地抹去了。没有提到我们在奴隶制中扮演的角色,没有提到我们对远近国家的帝国建设入侵。这让我彻底失望了,不像我周围的一些人在提到皇室或赢得一场战斗时发出的疯狂欢呼声。