点评:Fab and Dav are a A team - passionate, great fun, while superbly meticulous, professional and exceptionally skilled at coaching!
I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect in terms of what I’d be able to do, considering that I am recovering from a burnout - yet, Fab’s coaching offered confidence, ease and also clinically clear guidance. He absolutely picks up EVERY details, has a solution for WHATEVER your problem, and gently yet firmly guides you along. The amount of his gliding through the water to observe, check and buddy is nothing short of spectacular. There is a strong emphasis on skills and mindset, rather than depth. As such, reaching 25 by Day 5 of Wave 1 felt like a steal!
There was also such a great community feeling that the team created - cannot remember how many times I’ve laughed until my tummy hurt, and every one of us grew close to the coaches and to each other… Something to say there about their quality as human beings!
Checking my diary to come back before end of the year already!
翻译:Fab 和 Dav 是一支 A 级团队 - 充满激情、非常有趣,同时又极其细致、专业,并且拥有出色的指导技能!
考虑到我正在从倦怠中恢复过来,我并不完全确定我能做些什么 - 然而,Fab 的指导让我充满信心、轻松自在,并且提供了清晰的临床指导。他绝对能掌握每一个细节,能解决你的任何问题,并温柔而坚定地引导你前进。他在水中滑行观察、检查和结伴的时间非常长,简直令人惊叹。他非常重视技能和心态,而不是深度。因此,在第一波的第 5 天达到 25 人感觉真是太划算了!
团队还创造了一种很棒的社区氛围 - 不记得我笑到肚子疼了多少次,我们每个人都与教练和彼此变得亲近……可以说他们作为人的品质!