点评:The second thing you will see on the historic walkway, the Bab as-Siq, and opposite to the Djinn Blocks, is the Obelisk Tomb. Named after the four obelisks on its upper part the Obelisk Tomb was carved out of solid rock by the Nabataeans in the first century AD. The columns on the upper part are thought to represent the five people buried in the tomb, while the lower part, which is called the Bab al-Siq Triclinium, is a dining hall where relatives and friends of the deceased held annual banquets. There is an inscription (in both Nabataean and Greek) which, it is thought, names the people buried in the tomb but this, actually, may not be the case. Although the Obelisk Tomb is not well preserved (and you can't go into the Bab al-Siq Triclinium) it is still worth a look and some photos.
翻译:您将在历史步道上看到的第二件东西是方尖碑墓,位于精灵石块对面。方尖碑墓因其上部的四座方尖碑而得名,由纳巴泰人在公元一世纪从坚硬的岩石中雕刻而成。上部的柱子被认为代表了墓中埋葬的五个人,而下部被称为 Bab al-Siq Triclinium,是一个餐厅,死者的亲朋好友会在这里举行年度宴会。碑文上刻有(纳巴泰语和希腊语)铭文,据说上面刻的是墓中埋葬的人的名字,但事实可能并非如此。虽然方尖碑墓保存得并不好(而且您不能进入 Bab al-Siq Triclinium),但仍然值得一看并拍一些照片。