点评:Ball park tourist here! First timers at a Quad Cities River Bandits game last night. It’s a perfect date for us as my husband is all about the baseball and I’m about everything else - atmosphere, view, food, shopping, etc.
-LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION: right field runs right along the Mississippi River
-great stadium - amusement park beyond left field
-very cool logo - got our tee-shirt in Spanish.
-FREE parking
-reasonable game prices from $8-$20.
-Fireworks after the game (special event on this particular night.)
-Owner himself saying goodbye to guests as we exited!!
Opportunity: FOOD! OUCH!! Traditional baseball food that you would find at any HS concession stand.
I was looking for SOMETHING - ANYTHING that represented the community. Iowa = corn so I tried the corn dog. Yikes - greasy, stuck to the paper bag it came in that the clerk sat down on the counter for me. The “nachos” came in a bag so I opted for the pretzel with cheese sauce. The pretzel was good but the cheese sauce was horrific! Ortega brand (which is certainly a good brand) in individual servings with the instructions of removing the foil top and heating in the microwave. Instead, they kept them in the pretzel warmer under the mistaken idea that would melt the cheese. Instead, the cheese was still solid. Ugh!!
By contrast, we went to a Cape Cod League game earlier this summer - which is basically a college summer league played at a HS field and had New England Clam Chowder. You can see how my expectations would be much higher for a professional stadium!! #HappyToConsult
- 伟大的体育场 - 左场之外的游乐园
- 非常酷的标志 - 我们的 T 恤是西班牙语的。
-合理的游戏价格从 8 美元到 20 美元不等。
- 比赛结束后的烟花(这个特定夜晚的特别活动。)
- 当我们退出时,业主亲自向客人告别!
机会:食物!哎哟!!您可以在 HS 小卖部找到传统的棒球食品。
我一直在寻找一些东西——任何代表社区的东西。爱荷华州=玉米所以我尝试了玉米热狗。哎呀——油腻腻的,粘在店员帮我坐在柜台上的纸袋上。 “玉米片”装在袋子里,所以我选择了加奶酪酱的椒盐卷饼。椒盐卷饼很好吃,但是奶酪酱太糟糕了!奥尔特加品牌(这当然是一个好品牌)单独提供,并附有取下箔纸顶部并在微波炉中加热的说明。相反,他们将它们放在椒盐卷饼中加热,错误地认为这会融化奶酪。相反,奶酪仍然是固体。啊!!
相比之下,我们今年夏天早些时候去看了一场科德角联赛——这基本上是一场在高中球场举行的大学夏季联赛,并吃了新英格兰蛤杂烩。你可以看到我对专业体育场的期望有多高!! #快乐咨询