点评:The castle was built in the 12th century by Ranulph de Meschines, during the reign of King William Rufus. It has the remains of a Norman keep, with the later addition of a 14th-century garderobe turret, and some further additions in the 17th century.
The castle was attacked by Scots raiding parties in 1342 and again in 1541. After the latter attack it remained an uninhabitable ruin until it passed into the hands of Lady Anne Clifford, who rebuilt it in 1660, also adding a brewhouse, bakehouse, stables and coach-house. It remained one of the favourites among her many castles until her death in 1676 at the age of 86.
By the 1770s much of the building above the second storey had collapsed,[4] and it has since gradually decayed further to become the romantic ruin seen today.
翻译:这座城堡由拉努夫·德·梅斯基内斯 (Ranulph de Meschines) 于 12 世纪威廉·鲁弗斯 (William Rufus) 国王统治时期建造。它拥有诺曼城堡的遗迹,后来又添加了一座 14 世纪的衣柜塔楼,以及 17 世纪的一些进一步添加。
这座城堡于 1342 年和 1541 年两次遭到苏格兰人的袭击。在两次袭击之后,它一直是一个无法居住的废墟,直到它落入安妮·克利福德夫人 (Lady Anne Clifford) 的手中,她于 1660 年重建了它,还增加了啤酒厂、面包房、马厩和马车房。它一直是她众多城堡中最受欢迎的城堡之一,直到 1676 年她去世,享年 86 岁。
到了 1770 年代,二楼以上的大部分建筑已经倒塌,[4] 此后它逐渐进一步腐烂,成为今天看到的浪漫废墟。