点评:The Donkey Sanctuary is a must see! The animals themselves are all so nice and you can tell they’re cared for. Some donkeys would walk out in front of your vehicle to see if you had food and some would run along the side of your car (so cute!). You can bring your own feed, they do not supply any. There were over 800 donkeys and the sanctuary takes great care of them. They have a senior area for the older donkeys, a maternity ward, a place for recovering donkeys and a massive fenced in area for the rest. You can also see a few flamingos and turtles too. So happy we did this and we will certainly be going back with more snacks if/when we visit Bonaire again.
Donations run this sanctuary so anything helps. And since it’s only $9/adult, a small donation is easy to make. 🫏🥕
翻译:驴子保护区是必看景点!动物本身都很友善,你可以看出它们受到了照顾。有些驴子会走到你的车前看看你有没有食物,有些会沿着你的车边跑(太可爱了!)。你可以自带饲料,他们不提供饲料。那里有 800 多头驴子,保护区非常照顾它们。他们有一个老年区,专门饲养年长的驴子,一个产房,一个康复驴子的地方,以及一个大型围栏区域,专门饲养其他驴子。你还可以看到一些火烈鸟和海龟。我们很高兴来到这里,如果/当我们再次访问博内尔岛时,我们一定会带着更多的零食再来。
这个保护区靠捐款来运营,所以任何事情都有帮助。而且由于每位成人只需 9 美元,所以小额捐款很容易。🫏🥕