点评:Very disappointing. As you walk in and to the left there are strips of garden which seem to ring the property. Instead of tall, luxurious plants full of rich green foliage, they have planted little plants which are lost among the dirt. These strips of garden need to be filled in with bold plants. In the garden which runs along the side of the greenhouse, they have weeds planted; including one which my parents had hidden in their lawn and which hurts like hades when you step on it. I didn't find many of the outside plants to be at all exotic. I paid the 3 Euros and went into the greenhouse. There were some unique plants which I had never seen; however, even the cactus was resplendent with a variety of which I had a small one from the garden show as a child. Many of the plants in the greenhouse are species which I have seen in people's outside gardens in the U.S. and in Germany. The 3 large greenhouse rooms are large, yet there were really no botanical surprises. Outside was mediocre run of the mill gardening with which I was far from impressed. My photos confirm my opinion.
翻译:非常令人失望。当你走进去,向左看,你会发现有一条条带状的花园环绕着整个庄园。他们没有种植高大、茂盛、绿叶茂盛的植物,而是种植了小植物,这些植物都埋在泥土中。这些条带状的花园需要用大胆的植物来填充。在沿着温室一侧的花园里,他们种植了杂草;包括一株我父母藏在草坪里的杂草,踩上去会很疼。我发现外面的很多植物都没有什么特别之处。我付了 3 欧元,走进了温室。那里有一些我从未见过的独特植物;然而,即使是仙人掌也非常漂亮,其中有一个品种是我小时候在花园展上买的。温室里的许多植物都是我在美国和德国人们的户外花园里见过的。3 个大温室房间很大,但植物上真的没有什么惊喜。外面是平庸的普通园艺,我对此印象很深。我的照片证实了我的观点。