点评:We paid ParkStay for a night at Martin's Tank but never got there. Their website said:
'Access includes unsealed roads suitable for 2WD and AWD vehicles but road conditions can be variable and caution is advised'
The corrugations were so bad on the 6 km access road that we stopped after 1 km for the sake of our vehicle which was being rattled to bits at any speed we tried. Another 2WD vehicle coming towards us stopped and told us that they had gone 4 kms up the road but had turned back for fear of getting bogged with three kids in the car.
I notified ParkStay that their road needed grading, assuming that they would appreciate the feedback and do something about it. As far as they were concerned, the above comment that "conditions can be variable" covered them. And "that many hundreds of 2WD vehicles have accessed the campground over recent months."
I wonder how many others turned back? Very disappointing.
翻译:我们付了 ParkStay 在 Martin's Tank 住了一晚,但从未到过那里。他们的网站说:
“通道包括适合 2WD 和 AWD 车辆的未密封道路,但道路状况可能会发生变化,建议谨慎行事”
6 公里的通路上的波纹非常严重,我们在 1 公里后停下来,因为我们的车辆在我们尝试的任何速度下都被嘎嘎作响。另一辆朝我们驶来的 2WD 车辆停下来告诉我们,他们已经在路上行驶了 4 公里,但因为害怕被车里的三个孩子困住而掉头了。
我通知 ParkStay 他们的道路需要分级,假设他们会感谢反馈并采取措施。就他们而言,上述“条件可以变化”的评论涵盖了他们。而且“近几个月来,数百辆两轮驱动汽车进入了露营地。”