点评:So this was a bit confusing because there are actually two quarry trails - one over by The Red Hill Golf Course, which is a red sand stone quarry. This one was responsible for the majority of the actual temple stones.... according to our guide in the temple visitor's center. This is a lovely trail along and up over the golf course - an easy hike once you find out where to park. (turn at Freddy's car wash and head towards the golf course) And then there's black lava trail, which I think is the one they're talking about here. This trail shows the larger black stones were responsible for the base and basement of the building. The GPS will take you here and there's a tiny parking lot and archway leading to the trail. It's just a walk along a road which is not as nice as the golf course, but you can see the large black stones so it's pretty cool.
翻译:所以这有点令人困惑,因为实际上有两条采石场小径 - 一条在红山高尔夫球场旁边,这是一个红砂石采石场。据我们在寺庙游客中心的导游说,这块石头是大部分实际寺庙石头的来源。这是一条沿着高尔夫球场向上延伸的迷人小径 - 一旦您找到停车位置,便可轻松徒步。 (在 Freddy 的洗车场转弯,朝高尔夫球场走去)然后是黑色的熔岩小径,我想这就是他们在这里谈论的那个。这条小径表明较大的黑色石头负责建筑物的底座和地下室。 GPS 会带你到这里,那里有一个小停车场和通往小径的拱门。就是沿着马路走一段路,虽然没有高尔夫球场好看,但是可以看到黑色的大石头,还是挺爽的。